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coatingAI co-pilot
Your expert advisor for optimal coating performance

coatingAI co-pilot analyzes coating parameters and recommends precise settings for voltage, powder flow rate, and atomizer air pressure, ensuring optimal coating performance.

With a few simple clicks, our software calculates the ideal settings for your reciprocator, considering the exact powder and piece being coated. Embrace accuracy and efficiency, effortlessly.
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Our Technology

"With just one click, I have access to all the critical coating parameters, eliminating any guesswork and saving me valuable time. No more rework or trial-and-error adjustments. It's a game-changer that has transformed my business operations."

Core Values

Operator Independence and Expertise
  • CoatingAI Co-pilot: Empowers operators by offering expert guidance and essential knowledge.
  • AI Capabilities: Eliminates the necessity for operators to have extensive coating expertise.
  • Reliable Assistant: Helps operators confidently load new part designs and powders.
  • Reduces Trial-and-Error: Minimizes the need for adjustments, enhancing operator independence.
  • Boosts Productivity: Increases efficiency by reducing errors and saving time.
Flexible Integration Options
  • Flexible Integration Options: CoatingAI Co-pilot is designed to meet specific user needs.
  • User-Friendly App: Available on laptops for convenient access to functionalities.
  • Seamless Integration: Integrates with the coating machine's SPS (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system.
  • Comprehensive Solution: Offers process optimization for the coating machine.
  • Adaptable: Can adapt to different workflows, enhancing coating operations efficiently.
Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency
  • Expert Recommendations: CoatingAI Co-pilot provides precise advice for consistent coating results.
  • Considered Factors: Takes into account part geometry, coating material, environmental conditions, and line equipment.
  • Precise Settings Suggestions: Recommends specific settings for voltage, powder flow rate, atomizer air pressure, etc.
  • Eliminates Guesswork: Reduces the need for operator guesswork.
  • Minimizes Variations: Leads to improved coating quality and uniformity.
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